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Burwood Acupuncture Logo

Burwood Acupuncture is located at Burwood Health Center, Parklands, Christchurch. As one department of Acumore Clinic, it accompanies the Chinese herbal medicine clinic and the osteopathy department to provide qualified health care services.  As a Christchurch Acupuncture business, we provide various acupuncture services for local residencies.
We are registered acupuncturists and ACC providers practising in NZ. We mainly provide acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, and acupressure services based on traditional Chinese medicine theories. During treatment, the practitioner selects acupoints and uses specific needles/techniques/skills to help the patient achieve a balance of the physical and mental. 
As a well-recognized alternative method, acupuncture can treat many conditions in the modern world. The World Health Organization has recognized acupuncture as an effective treatment for hundreds of conditions. 

The Acupuncturist

Shameela Pacquet (BHSc. Chinese Med)

Shameela is a graduate of the NZ College of ChineseMedicine. She is a registered acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist. Shameela is also a
registered health provider with the ACC. She has a special interest in the treatment of dermatological conditions and gynaecological conditions. Please book a consultation with Shameela to discover how Chinese medicine can improve your health and wellbeing.

The acupuncturist - Shameela.jpg

The Acupuncturist - Dr. Bin Shi

> Academic TCM Study/Practise from 1997 - 2008 - China
> Doctorate Degree of TCM (Internal CM) - China, 2008
> Deputy Chief Physician of TCM (Specialist in Internal CM) - China, from 2015
> NCCAOM Diplomate of Oriental Medicine - U.S.A, from 2016
> AcNZ Membership, ACC Provider as Acupuncturist from 2017
> Academic Staff (Lecturer/Clinical Supervisor) of NZCCM from 2017 
> Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner by the Chinese Medicine Council of NZ
> More than 20 Years of Clinical Experience


He is good at using herbal formula prescriptions and acupuncture to treat internal disorders, dermatology, andrology, and gynecology diseases under the guidance of TCM theory.


His Specialty is as follows but not limited to

Internal medicine: cough, asthma, palpitations, insomnia, hiccup, stomach distention, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, headache, dizziness, spontaneous sweating, night sweats, lower back pain, hypochondrial pain, edema, arthralgia, consumptive fatigue, dispersion-thirst, etc.
Andrology: impotence, nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation, infertility, prostatitis, atrioventricular fatigue, etc.
Gynecology: irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, postpartum wasting, menopausal syndrome, etc.
Dermatology: acne, chloasma, eczema, urticaria, hair loss, etc.

Bin Shi in uniform
Bin Shi 5-star google review
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